our Mission

What We Stand For

Mission Statement

Promote a high level of professionalism among practitioners who treat those presenting with eating disorders by promoting ethical and professional standards, offering education and training in the field, certifying those who have met prescribed requirements, promoting public and professional awareness of eating disorders and assisting in prevention efforts.

Ethics Statement

The International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals Foundation (the iaedp™ Foundation or the Foundation) is an educational, and professional organization whose members work in a variety of settings and serve in multiple capacities. Eating disorder professionals facilitate relationships that empower diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, and wellness goals. Professional values are an important way of living out an ethical commitment. 


The following are core professional values of eating disorders professionals: 


      1. enhancing human development throughout the life span; 
      2. honoring diversity and embracing a multicultural approach in support of the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of people within their social and cultural contexts;
      3. safeguarding the integrity of the professional–client relationship; and
      4. practicing in a competent and ethical manner. 


These professional values provide a conceptual basis for the ethical principles enumerated below. These principles are the foundation for ethical behavior and decision making. The fundamental principles of professional ethical behavior are

      • autonomy, or fostering the right to control the direction of one’s life;
      • nonmalefcence, or avoiding actions that cause harm;
      • beneficence, or working for the good of the individual and society by promoting mental health and well-being;
      • justice, or treating individuals equitably and fostering fairness and equality;
      • fidelity, or honoring commitments and keeping promises, including fulfilling one’s responsibilities of trust in professional relationships; and
      • veracity, or dealing truthfully with individuals with whom professionals’ contact.


This Foundation Code of Ethics establishes the minimum ethical behaviors for professionals certified by the iaedp Foundation and candidates and provides an expectation of and assurance for ethical practice for all who use the professional services of persons credentialed by the iaedp™ Foundation. 

Central to the purpose of this Code of Ethics is the commitment to maintain behavioral standards that will be used to enforce required disclosure procedures and compliance concerns brought forward through complaints. The Code serves as the foundation of an effective and fair method for submitting complaints and disclosures for the protection of both the public and professionals. 

The Foundation recognizes that ethical decision-making by eating disorder professionals exists within the context of the legal parameters and licensure requirements enacted by States, territories, and other jurisdictions.

Declaración ética

La International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals Foundation (la Fundación iaedp™ o la Fundación) es una organización educativa y profesional cuyos miembros trabajan en diversos entornos y desempeñan múltiples funciones. Los profesionales de los trastornos alimentarios facilitan relaciones que empoderan a las diversas personas, familias y grupos para alcanzar sus objetivos de salud mental y bienestar. Los valores profesionales son una forma importante de vivir un compromiso ético.


Los siguientes son los valores fundamentales de los profesionales de los trastornos alimentarios:

  1. fomentar el desarrollo humano a lo largo de toda la vida;
  2. honrar la diversidad y abrazar un enfoque multicultural en apoyo del valor, la dignidad, el potencial y la singularidad de las personas dentro de sus contextos sociales y culturales;
  3. salvaguardar la integridad de la relación profesional-cliente; y ejercerla de manera competente y ética.


Estos valores profesionales proporcionan una base conceptual para los principios éticos que se enumeran a continuación. Estos principios son la base del comportamiento ético y de la toma de decisiones. Los principios fundamentales del comportamiento ético profesional son:

  • autonomía, o fomento del derecho a controlar la dirección de la propia vida;
  • no maleficencia, o evitar acciones que causen daño;
  • beneficencia, o trabajar por el bien del individuo y de la sociedad promoviendo la salud mental y el bienestar;
  • justicia, o tratar a las personas de forma equitativa y fomentar la imparcialidad y la igualdad;
  • fidelidad, o honrar los compromisos y cumplir las promesas, incluido el cumplimiento de las propias responsabilidades de confianza en las relaciones profesionales; y
  • veracidad, o el trato veraz con las personas con las que se relacionan los profesionales.


Este Código Ético de la Fundación establece los comportamientos éticos mínimos para los profesionales certificados por la Fundación iaedp™ y los candidatos y proporciona una expectativa y garantía de práctica ética para todos los que utilizan los servicios profesionales de las personas acreditadas por la Fundación iaedp™.


Un aspecto central del propósito de este Código Ético es el compromiso de mantener normas de comportamiento que se utilizarán para hacer valer los procedimientos de divulgación requeridos y las preocupaciones de cumplimiento planteadas a través de las denuncias o quejas. El Código sirve de base para un método eficaz y justo de presentación de quejas y denuncias para la protección tanto del público como de los profesionales.

La Fundación reconoce que la toma de decisiones éticas por parte de los profesionales especializados en trastornos alimentarios existe dentro del contexto de los parámetros legales y los requisitos de licencia estipulados por los estados, territorios y otras jurisdicciones.


The International Association for Eating Disorder Professionals Foundation (iaedp™) Certification Committee Disciplinary Subcommittee will investigate and impose sanctions for violation of its Standards for Certification or its Policies in accordance with this Policy. Violations may include not adhering to the Foundation Code of Ethics. When the Disciplinary Subcommittee determines that a violation has occurred, it may impose sanctions, including but not limited to:

  • written reprimand
  • mandatory correction
  • suspension of accreditation
  • revocation of accreditation
  • reaccreditation ineligibility


Relevant documentation considered in the course of the disciplinary process and a record of any action taken will be placed in the certification holder’s permanent file and will be available for review by the certification holder should subsequent complaints be received or for other appropriate review. The fact of a suspension and of any imposed final sanction may be made public by the Foundation.



  1. Complaints alleging violations of the Foundation’s Code of Ethics, or a written Foundation Policy may be submitted by any interested party or may be self-initiated by the Foundation. The complainant’s identity shall remain confidential, unless the circumstances reasonably require disclosure, or the complainant waives confidentiality protection. The complainant also agrees to keep confidential the complaint filing and all other correspondence or communications with the Disciplinary Subcommittee
  2. Related to the Disciplinary Subcommittee’s investigation and review of the complaint and to the outcome of the review. The Disciplinary Subcommittee reserves the right to terminate its investigation if confidentiality is breached.
  3. Complaints must be in writing via email to disciplinarysubcommittee@iaedpfoundation.com and provide details, with appropriate supporting documentation of how a particular Standard or Policy is being or has been violated by a certificate holder.
  4. Preliminary Review: The Disciplinary Subcommittee Chair and Vice Chair together will determine, within twenty-one (21) calendar days of receipt of a complaint, if there are sufficient grounds to warrant an investigation.
    1. No Further Investigation Indicated: The Disciplinary Subcommittee Chair and Vice Chair together may determine, in their sole discretion, that the complaint warrants no further action.
    2. Further Investigation Indicated/Certification Program Notified: If there appear to be sufficient grounds to warrant investigation, the Disciplinary Subcommittee consisting of the Disciplinary Subcommittee Chair, Vice Chair, two current Foundation members, and one additional person from within outside the Foundation membership, will investigate the complaint and determine whether any violations may have occurred. Written notice of the investigation will be provided to the certification holder identifying any potential violations and may be accompanied by appropriate documents or other evidence of the potential violation and a copy of the Foundation’s Disciplinary Policy & Procedures. The subcommittee also may request additional information and seek counsel from the Foundation’s legal team if necessary.
  5. Certificate Holder Response: The certification holder will have thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the notice of the potential violations to respond by submitting electronically to the Disciplinary Subcommittee via email via disciplinarysubcommittee@iaedpfoundation.com any requested information, refuting or admitting to the facts or the substance of the allegations, or proposing remedies.
  6. Subcommittee Review of Response: If the information provided and the proposed remedies resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the subcommittee, then (i) a report of the resolution will be made to the Certification Committee at its next regularly scheduled meeting, (ii) the complainant will be informed of the resolution, and (iii) the certification holder will be notified of the resolution within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the information by the Disciplinary Subcommittee.
  7. Full Certification Committee Review: If the certification holder’s response is unsatisfactory to the subcommittee, the subcommittee will prepare a written analysis and recommendation for the Certification Committee. The subcommittee will notify the certification holder of its recommendation and provide a copy of its written analysis to the certification holder. The certification holder may, within thirty (30) calendar days of the date the subcommittee sends the notice, submit an additional written response that addresses the subcommittee’s analysis and recommendations.
  8. The full Certification Committee will then review the complaint, the certification holder’s response(s), and the subcommittee analysis and recommendation at the next available opportunity and will determine by majority vote whether the certification holder committed any violations and will specify the sanctions imposed. Written notice of the Certification Committee’s determination will be sent to the certification holder by email and messenger service such as FedEx or UPS and shared with the Board of Directors.
  9. Effective Date: At the Certification Committee’s discretion, any sanction imposed may be made effective immediately notwithstanding that the certification holder may request or has requested a reconsideration of the decision as provided below. If the sanction entails loss of active certification status (e.g., suspension or revocation of certification), the Certification Committee will make that status change public. A certification holder that has lost active certification status through suspension or revocation of certification must not hold itself out as certified by the Foundation’s Certification Committee unless and until the sanction expires or is withdrawn or lifted.
  10. Request for Reconsideration: A certification holder that is sanctioned with a suspension, revocation of certification, or renewal ineligibility decision under this Policy may request that the Certification Committee reconsider its decision, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Committee’s Reconsideration Policy, which shall govern the review process in all respects. A request for reconsideration, including a statement of the basis for the request, must be submitted electronically to the Disciplinary Subcommittee via email at disciplinarysubcommittee@iaedpfoundation.com within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the International Association for Eating Disorder Professionals Certification Committee’s notice of sanction.
  11. Final Sanctions: The communications issued by the Certification Committee to the complainant and the certification holder are confidential; provided, however, that the Certification Committee may make public any sanction that is imposed with immediate effect. If no request for reconsideration is filed, sanctions that have not been imposed with immediate effect are considered final after the deadline to file a request for reconsideration. If a request for reconsideration is filed within thirty (30) calendar days, such sanctions are considered final upon the date the Certification Committee sends notice of its decision on reconsideration. If the final sanction affects a certification holder’s certification status, that determination will be made public by the Certification Committee. As noted above, suspensions and other sanctions may be made immediately effective upon the initial decision of the Certification Committee, regardless of whether a request for reconsideration may be or has been filed.