What is iaedp?

Why should I join iaedp?

How do I join iaedp?

I want to join a chapter, but there’s none in my area. What options do I have?

Do you offer a company membership for my practice?

Whom do I contact regarding general membership questions?

What are the membership fees?

What are the membership types?

Are there requirements to become a member?

What benefits do iaedp members receive?

What is MemberSHARE?

Can I connect with others in my region?

How does iaedp support continuing education?

What is iaedp’s commitment to excellence in the practice of eating disorders and ethics?

Who can I contact for additional information about joining, member benefits, or maximizing my membership questions?

I recently moved, changed practices or just need to need to update my contact information. How do I do this?

I am a member of iaedp, and I am in between jobs or looking for another opportunity. Do you help members search for a new opportunity? n

When does my membership start and end?

How can I find out when my membership is up for renewal?

I was notified that my membership is up for renewal, how can I pay it?

What are your membership terms?