News and updates

Find the latest updates from iaedp™ Foundation regarding membership, events,
certification, benefits and more. 

  • A Vision for iaedp’s Future  Dear iaedp Community,  As I step into the role of President of the iaedp Foundation, I do so with a deep sense of gratitude, responsibility, and commitment. This is our 40th year anniversary, and for all this time, iaedp has......

  • Join us in shaping a future that outshines our past.  1. Consolidation to a Single Certification (CEDS or CEDS-C)  We are streamlining our certification process to meet accreditation standards, which require us to have a single, unified certification, enhancing the prestige and recognition of our......

  • Dear Members, The iaedp Foundation Board thanks you for your time and thoughts during the Town Hall meetings at the 2024 iaedp symposium.  The Board has taken your feedback very seriously and wanted to inform you of the many changes the iaedp support team and......

  •  As my tenure as President concludes, I have reflected upon events of the past year. The Foundation faced challenges that tested its mettle in so many ways. And while there were moments when I wondered how (never whether) we would get through them, it’s hard......

  • Bloomington, IL (11/18/24)—The International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (iaedp™) has opened registration for its upcoming 2025 Annual Global Symposium, which will take place on February 21-22 at the J.W. Marriott Desert Springs Resort and Spa in Palm Desert, CA. Themed “Moving Forward: Building Resilience......