
Nutrition Therapy Training & Consultation Group facilitated by Amy Isabella Chalker, RDN, CEDS

Every other Friday from 8am-9:30am/PST, Join Amy Isabella Chalker RDN, CEDS for an intimate, in-depth, and evidence-based 4-part training & consultation group, centered around the latest research into Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Learn together how we can help to manage this complex immune condition using...

Curso Exclusivo para Nutricionistas y estudiantes avanzados

Inicio 30 Setiembre 2024Aprovechá esta oportunidad para expandir tus conocimientos y aprender lo último en el manejo de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria.*Curso acreditado por el Colegio de Profesionales de Costa Rica (en trámite).*Modalidad 100% virtual, estudio a tu propio ritmo.*7 Clases en vivo...

Nutrition Therapy Training & Consultation Group facilitated by Amy Isabella Chalker, RDN, CEDS

Every other Friday from 8am-9:30am/PST, Join Amy Isabella Chalker RDN, CEDS for an intimate, in-depth, and evidence-based 4-part training & consultation group, centered around the latest research into Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Learn together how we can help to manage this complex immune condition using...

Nutrition Therapy Training & Consultation Group facilitated by Amy Isabella Chalker, RDN, CEDS

Every other Friday from 8am-9:30am/PST, Join Amy Isabella Chalker RDN, CEDS for an intimate, in-depth, and evidence-based 4-part training & consultation group, centered around the latest research into Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Learn together how we can help to manage this complex immune condition using...

Nutrition Therapy Training & Consultation Group facilitated by Amy Isabella Chalker, RDN, CEDS

Every other Friday from 8am-9:30am/PST, Join Amy Isabella Chalker RDN, CEDS for an intimate, in-depth, and evidence-based 4-part training & consultation group, centered around the latest research into Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Learn together how we can help to manage this complex immune condition using...

Lunes de Nuevos Miembros

Únete a Maricarmen mientras ella te comparte los muchos beneficios y ventajas que tiene ser un miembro activo de iaedp. ¡Aquello que no se sabe puede obstaculizar tu crecimiento y proyección! ¡Estamos aquí para servirte y apoyarte! Inscríbete enviando un correo electrónico a Maricarmen@iaedpfoundation.com