
2025 Board of Directors Nominations

Our Board has always been composed of dedicated individuals who are deeply committed to our mission. They bring a wealth of knowledge, energy, and diverse perspectives that are critical to our organization. We value the variety of experiences our members bring and firmly believe in the power of collective contribution.


Member-at-Large (Term: 2025-2028): A Member-at-Large serves as a full voting member of the Board of Directors without a specific executive role. These members play a crucial role in board meetings and discussions, contributing their perspectives to vital decisions regarding expenditures, policies, and program initiatives. The strength of a Member-at-Large lies in their ability to provide diverse insights and a broad perspective, enriching board discussions and helping to ensure a comprehensive consideration of various viewpoints. Applicants for this role must be a current member of the iaedp Foundation.

President (Term: 2025-2027): The President acts as the chief executive officer of the Association. Under the guidance and control of the Board, the President oversees the general management of the Association’s affairs and its officers. This role involves presiding over all board meetings and carrying out the traditional powers and responsibilities typically associated with the presidency in a corporate setting. Additional duties and powers are as outlined by the Board or the iaedp Foundation bylaws. Applicants for this role must be a current iaedp Board member or have served as a Senior Advisory Council member or Past President of the Foundation.

President-Elect (Term: 2025-2026): The President-Elect assumes all responsibilities of the President in the event of the President’s or the immediate past President’s absence or disability. When acting in this capacity, the President-Elect exercises all powers and adheres to all restrictions applicable to the President. This role also encompasses other responsibilities and powers as determined by the Board or the iaedp Foundation bylaws. Applicants for this role must be a current iaedp Board member or have served as a Senior Advisory Council member or Past President of the Foundation.

Click the candidate’s name to view their CV/Resume.
Spanish Translation

Lesley McDonald


I would love this opportunity to learn more about other aspects about being a CEDS-C . I want to grow into having more knowledge that being part of the board can provide. I would like to be part of the social change with this population. I am resourceful, and an excellent communicator.

My colleagues have said that I have a gentle approach, disarming sense of humor. I believes that full recovery is possible for all the clients. I have been client centered for my entire career and can see the new trends of ED.

Lisa Gibson


As a long-standing advocate for eating disorder awareness, education, and community care resources, I am eager to serve on the Board to advance the field of eating disorder treatment. My career has been driven by a passion for improving patient care, fostering professional development, and contributing to the community through education and advocacy. Serving on the Board represents an opportunity to leverage my extensive experience and skills to make a meaningful impact on a larger scale.
Co-founding the Oklahoma Eating Disorders Association and holding various leadership roles has provided me with a solid background in advocacy, non-profit management, and community outreach.

By joining the Board, I aim to bring my comprehensive background in nutrition, proven leadership, and dedication to advocacy to support the Board’s mission and contribute to its strategic initiatives. My diverse experience and skill set will enable me to offer valuable insights and drive the organization’s goals forward as a Member at Large.

Lauren Muhlheim


I have been a long-time member of iaedp and am a CEDS and a CEDS-C. I served on the Board of the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED) from 2014-2018 and during that time was asked by iaedp to serve on their certification review committee. Following that role, I was selected by Dr. Craig Johnson to succeed him as lead instructor for Core Course 1, a role I filled from 2020 to 2022, vastly reorganizing the course to cover eating disorders from a social justice lens. I have presented multiple times at iaedp symposia.
In my board role at AED, I spearheaded the creation of the Nine Truths document. In addition to my board role at AED, I have served on the board of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association (LACPA) from 2018 to 2024 and served as president for 1.5 years, helping that organization recover after a destructive individual was president before me. I also helped select and integrate a new director during my term after the previous director of 30 years retired.

I have a passion for certification, having co-written a paper with Alli Spotts de-Lazzer on Competence for Eating Disorder therapists in 2016. As a primary clinician trained in a research lab, I seek to help bridge the research-practice gap. I consult and train numerous other therapists.

I run an eating disorder group practice in Los Angeles where I train other clinicians and graduate students in weight-inclusive and evidence-based treatments for eating disorders. I have written an FBT-based book for parents with New Harbinger and have another book under contract. I have also co-created an FBT-aligned course for RDs through EDRD Pro.

I am excited to have the opportunity to bring my skills in organization, leadership, and connection to iaedp and help the organization. My past board experience in other organizations (AED and LACPA) would serve me well in this capacity.

Therese Waterhous


Hello and thank you for considering me as a potential member at large. I have been a member of iaedp for several years and served on two of its committees recently. I also have knowledge of some of the issues facing iaedp and I think I can potentially be of service in helping resolve these issues, which have revolved around the credentialing process, diversity and inclusion and financial management. I support adherence to science based information, transparency in all financial matters and listening to members and stakeholders when it comes to things like credentialing. I do think credentialing ought to be an eating disorders community wide endeavor, taking into account the various interests of clinicians, people in recovery with lived experience, and other potential stakeholders.

Eva Trujillo-ChiVacuan


My decision to seek the position as President of IAEDP is driven by my unwavering commitment to advancing the field of ED and my desire to lead the organization through the challenging times it currently faces.

Over the past several months, IAEDP has encountered significant legal and economic difficulties that have tested our organization’s resilience. These challenges, while daunting, also present us with an opportunity to reflect, reassess, and reimagine IAEDP’s future. It is with this spirit of optimism and determination that I offer my candidacy.

As CEO and Co-founder of Comenzar de Nuevo, I have dedicated my career to the treatment, prevention, education, advocacy, and research of ED. My organization has developed comprehensive programs that integrate these areas, and I have had the privilege of leading a talented team committed to improving the lives of those affected by these disorders.

My experience on the IAEDP board, coupled with my active involvement in various international collaborations, has given me a deep understanding of the complexities and nuances of our field. As a former President of the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED) and having led several prestigious international ED organizations, primarily in Latin America, I have seen firsthand the power of innovative, evidence-based approaches and the importance of fostering a collaborative community of professionals who are passionate about making a difference.

The legal and economic issues IAEDP is facing are serious, but they are not insurmountable. As President, my primary focus will be to address these challenges head-on through a multi-faceted approach:
Transparency and Communication: We must maintain open lines of communication with our members, stakeholders, and the public. Transparency in our actions and decisions will rebuild trust and demonstrate our commitment to accountability.
Financial Stability: I will work diligently to stabilize our financial situation through strategic fundraising initiatives, partnerships, and prudent fiscal management. We must explore diverse revenue streams and ensure that our resources are allocated efficiently to support our mission.
Legal Resolution: Addressing our legal issues will require collaboration with legal experts and a proactive approach to resolving outstanding matters. I will prioritize finding amicable solutions that protect the integrity of IAEDP and allow us to move forward confidently.
Member Engagement and Support: Our strength lies in our members. By fostering a supportive and inclusive community, we can harness the collective expertise and passion of our professionals. I will prioritize initiatives that promote member engagement, professional development, and mental well-being.

Working closely with the current interim Executive Director, Dawn Gannon, and her staff, I will ensure that we build on our existing strengths and address our challenges with a unified and strategic approach. It is essential to collaborate with all stakeholders, including other international organizations, to advance our shared goals and enhance our global impact.

Beyond addressing immediate challenges, I envision a future where IAEDP can be a global leader in eating disorders treatment and research. We will expand our educational programs, advocate for policy changes, and foster international collaborations that advance our field. By leveraging technology and innovative practices, we can extend our reach and impact, ensuring that our work benefits individuals and communities worldwide.

In conclusion, I am deeply honored to self-postulate for the position of President of IAEDP. I believe that with collective effort, strategic leadership, and a renewed commitment to our mission, we can overcome our current challenges and emerge stronger than ever. Together, we can continue to make significant strides in the fight against ED and improve the lives of countless people. Thank you for considering my candidacy.

Dr. Elisaveta Pavlova


I wish to continue to serve on the Board of iaedp™ because I believe that I would bring much value with my extensive international educational, research, and professional experience in the eating disorders (ED) field.

To me, it is an honor to be part of such an old and prestigious organization, which is a leader with the highest standards for education in the field of eating disorders professionals.

Furthermore, I am proud, as doing pioneering work in my country in Europe, to be an active part of its additional serving with a unique way of prevention in the ED field for other non-clinical professionals through its Associate Designation.

Mansi Sant


I wish to serve the IAEDP organization because I have been very impressed with what the organization have provided to the community and myself. I have been a member for over 5 years now and would like to get more involved. Being a first generation Indian Therapist that is certified as a CEDS-C, I feel I can bring a culturally diverse approach to the team. I hope to be able to service the organization and give back for what I have received from it.

Wendy Mathes


I am committed to using education to fight stigma, increase access to care and advocate for people with eating disorders. I have advocated on Capitol Hill, presented to professional audiences, and built a national continuing education program to provide education to key stakeholders who have the potential to alter the trajectory of eating disorder treatment across this country. As a member of the iaedp board, I can make a valuable contribution to iaedp’s educational endeavors, growing the number of eating disorder specialists, and ensuring that people with eating disorders have the opportunity to receive timely and effective treatment from professionals that know how to provide appropriate care.

In my role as Director, Academic Programs and Continuing Education, I built a platform to educate tens of thousands of professionals each year about evidence-based treatments for eating disorders, recruiting speakers, designing curriculum, and producing virtual and in person events. I have successfully run national and regional conferences, secured national and state specific continuing education accreditations, including joint accreditation (ACCME, ANCC, ACPE, CDR, ASWB, BOC), and have helped numerous state iaedp chapters to provide continuing education credits for their educational events throughout the year. With my skills and experience, I can provide guidance in developing educational programs and attaining accreditation for said programs, enabling iaedp to educate more professionals and improve eating disorders treatment.

Abby Sarrett-Cooper


I have been treating eating disorders for over twenty years. In the past 15 years I have also consistently been involved in providing eduction to professionals and my community, first locally and then expanding beyond my state and region. I have been active in various professional organizations, each with a mission to insure that we continue to do better as professionals to treat, educate and hopefully one day eradicate eating disorders. This service has included roles in the leadership of other ED focused organizations, and in 2018 I joined IAEDP at the urging of a respected colleague, Lauren Muhlheim. I also immediately applied for the CEDS designation. In keeping with my personal goal of being part of the solution, I see the current challenges facing IAEDP as an opportunity. I look forward to having a voice in this organization with a vision to build on its strength of tremendous warmth and support it provides to its members along with developing a level of training and service that can transform IAEDP into the undisputed leaders for advocacy and education.

Adee Levinstein


Eating disorders education, accessibility to care, and a collaborative professional space are critical components in best serving our patients, and I’m passionate about being able to support all efforts to increase their efficacy. The iaedp Foundation provides critical resources, communication spaces, and trainings to clinicians in the field as well as those not in the field, and I hope to be able to support the organization’s mission and values in continuing to uphold the work established so far and continuing to move forward with expanding access to education and care. It would be an honor to serve alongside so many compassionate and competent colleagues in our field.

Kerri Heckert


I am an anti-diet Registered Dietitian, Certified Eating Disorder Specialist-Approved Consultant and Co-Founder and Director of Nutrition at Main Line Center for Eating Disorders. I believe that all bodies are good bodies, there is no such thing as “bad foods” and that diet culture has no place at our tables. I have extensive clinical expertise in providing Medical Nutrition Therapy and nutrition counseling for children, teens and young adults with eating disorders, subclinical disordered eating, weight suppression and Relative Energy Deficit of Sport (RED-S).

I serve as the co-chair for the Academy of Eating Disorder’s Nutrition Special Interest Group, Vice President of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (iaedp) and am an active member of the Academy of Eating Disorders’ Medical Care Standards Committee. I am also a Certified Exercise Physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine and a Registered Yoga Teacher.
I have presented locally, nationally and internationally on pediatric eating disorders and has been published in peer reviewed journals, pediatric nutrition textbooks and the Pediatric Nutrition Care Manual. I have provided multiple trainings for clinicians, schools, eating disorder centers and community groups on preventing weight-based harm, fighting diet culture, and early recognition and rapid intervention for treating pediatric and adolescent eating disorders. I also provide approved supervision for Registered Dietitians and other clinicians looking to specialize in treating eating disorders.

My clinical experience in treating children, teens and young adults with eating disorders has sparked a passion for the pursuit of holistic recovery. This passion has spilled over into my desire to train other clinicians in providing evidence-based, weight-inclusive treatment so that recovery is attainable for all. After more than 10 years treating clients in both inpatient and outpatient settings at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, I co-founded Main Line Center for Eating Disorders with two esteemed colleagues. I wish to serve on the board so that I can offer my clinical and training experience to a wider audience with hopes of strengthening the eating disorder treatment community. I seek to develop education and outreach resources to help break the cycle of diet culture. I am committed to making the family eating experience more peaceful so to raise more body positive, intuitive eaters and I am committed to training caregivers, educators and clinicians in prevention, early detection and intervention of pediatric eating disorders.

I have been a member of iaedp for several years, was certified in 2020 and am a CEDS-C. I am thrilled at being considered for the opportunity to build this amazing organization. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!

Kari Anderson


Dear Selection Committee,
I would like to be considered for a Member-at-Large (Term 2025-2028) role on the iaedp™ Foundation Board of Directors. I have been a member of iaedp™ as long as I have been a professional in the field of eating disorders because I value continued growth and development, investment in the training of our next generation of treatment providers and networking with the rich diversity in our profession. In my three decades as an eating disorder specialist, I have seen significant change as we are open to new science, theory and treatments ultimately creating more effective ways to bring healing to those individuals and families ravaged by eating disorders.

My contributions have been many through my presentations at Symposium, serving at the chapter level in several positions including President, as well as a decade of service on the Certification Committee. I was recently awarded an Excellence in Service Award at the iaedp™ Symposium in March for my work in the development of the Leading by Example consultants training program. I am faculty for the Plymouth State Universities Eating Disorder graduate certificate program, and blog for Psychology Today on topics concerning our industry today. I am in private practice and continue to see clients and consult professionals in their pursuit of CEDS designation.

Why do I want to volunteer at the highest level of the organization? I have stood by iaedp™ during a difficult time of accusations when many of my fellow colleagues left the organization. I have seen an impressive call to action, a pruning and reorganization under way that has been long overdue. As the organization finds its way, establishing a new direction and a foundation to build on for decades to come, I’d like to offer my years of experience. I have decades of experience as an treatment center administrator and business owner, combined with a spirit of passion without fear of disruption and change. I want to make room for new, young and diverse individuals at the table, so I understand if the selection process passes on my nomination. Given the large number of individuals leaving their board seats in 2025, I felt my presence could hold a thread of historical and traditional significance.
My legacy is not finished. I have the time and energy for one more term of service for what I would consider the pinnacle role for the organization. Thank you for your consideration.

Carolina Gaviria

President Elect

I’m a current national board member and have a been involved with iaedp since 2008. I have a deep commitment to the mission and vision that iaedp holds and feel like my organizational skills and experience being past president of a leading chapter (South Florida) as well as active member of different committees including the advisory committee for the international chapter as well as the chapter and education committees, can support the leadership needed to bring ieadp to a new level as a leading organization in the education of professionals in the field of eating disorders. true

Bertha Winterman


My interest in serving on the board of this international eating disorders association is deeply rooted in my professional background and personal experiences. Eating disorders are complex, multifactorial conditions that require a comprehensive approach to treatment and prevention. Over the years, I have witnessed the devastating impact these disorders can have on individuals, families and communities, which has fueled my passion to contribute to the global effort to advance our understanding, treatment and prevention of these conditions.
Serving in the iaedp would provide me with the opportunity to be at the forefront of shaping the future of eating disorders care and advocacy globally. The ability to influence policy, promote evidence-based practices, and ensure that the voices of those affected by eating disorders are heard and respected is something I am profoundly committed to. I believe that together we can make significant strides in reducing the stigma associated with eating disorders, improve access to care, and ultimately save lives.
I bring to the board a combination of clinical experience, leadership skills and personal insights that I believe will be invaluable in advancing the mission of the association.

Professionally, I have dedicated my career to the treatment and prevention of eating disorders. As a Nutritionist and Director of the Body Image Program at Comenzar de Nuevo, I have had the privilege of working directly with individuals struggling with these disorders and supporting their prevention.

In addition to my professional background, I also bring a personal perspective. As someone who has lived through the challenge of recovery from an eating disorder, I understand the complexities of the process from both a clinical and personal point of view. This dual perspective allows me to advocate for approaches that are not only scientifically sound, but also empathetic and patient-centered. I am committed to ensuring that the work we do as a board reflects the life experiences of those we serve and addresses the real challenges they face.

Through my service on the board, I aspire to contribute to initiatives that promote global collaboration, advance cutting-edge research, and ultimately ensure that every individual affected by an eating disorder has access to the highest standard of care.

Jennifer Campbell


To the Members of IAEDP,
My name is Jennifer Campbell, and I am running for the position of Member-At-Large for the Board of Directors of the IAEDP Foundation.

I have been involved in the eating disorders field for overs 10 years across various roles, in the capacity as an advocate lobbying Congress for the Anna Westin Act, through clinical experiences across multiple levels of care treating multi-diagnostic eating disorder presentations. I believe my training and experience in applications of evidence-based practice for eating disorders contributes to the quality of knowledge I can bring to the Board, especially in regards to precision and thoroughness of initiatives taken on by the Board, and whom they impact on a larger scale.
I carry my clinical and professional experience as a Linehan Board Certified DBT clinician not only in the rigor of applying evidence-based practices, but also attending to necessary detail of when these practices require necessary modifications and adaptations to fit clients’ and families’ needs. In parallel, rebuilding a trustworthy backbone of IAEDP requires a similar balance of assessing what works and what requires change.

My training as a social worker and emphasis on social justice concerns goes hand in hand with eating disorder initiatives and perspectives that IAEDP is now turning toward, to address the disconnect, exclusion, and harm experienced by many individuals within the eating disorders arena, both professionals and patients alike. Reclamation and affinity spaces are as significant in the community as they are in organizations, and IAEDP is not immune to this. The elevation of marginalized voices remains of utmost focus, and members can trust that this will remain a focus of mine to elevate, then step back, and prepare others to listen.

Lastly, some colleagues may be aware of my leadership in other related organizations, and this directly connects to my motivation and ability to impact change in the IAEDP sphere. My leadership roles spanned chairing interest groups through chairing committees, and included collaborative efforts across committees to strengthen partnerships and streamline membership benefits for individuals to have direct impact with less organizational downtime in processing. My experience in conference planning and the necessary day-to-day detail focus and longitudinal timeline forecasting can be an added support to IAEDP symposium development.

I extend my appreciation to all members in their consideration for IAEDP Member-At-Large.

Note: Only members can vote. Be sure to sign in to your account to vote.